Charles E. Burchfield (1893-1967), The Wind Harp, 1947-57; watercolor, pencil and charcoal on joined paper mounted on board, 30 x 40 inches; Image from the Burchfield Penney Art Center Archives
Michael Mararian , Little Man of Steel, 2010; ink on paper, 60 inches x 44 inches; Image courtesy of artist
Michael Mararian , Machanaphobia, "Fear of Machinery", 2007; ink on paper, 12 inches x 12 inches; Image courtesy of artist
Michael Mararian , Black Flag, 2010; acrylic on paper, 60 inches x 44 inches; Image courtesy of artist
Michael Mararian , Candy Wall, 2012; acrylic on paper, 60 inches x 44 inches; Image courtesy of artist
Michael Mararian , Your Child's World, 2013; acrylic on found book; Image courtesy of artist
Sally Cook (b. 1932), Emily Dickinson, White Garden, 1986; acrylic on stretched canvas, hand-painted frame, 32 x 28 inches; Collection of Teresa Dabrowski
Sally Cook, As New England Used To Be; acrylic on stretched canvas, hand-painted frame, 20 inches x 24 inches; Image courtesy of the artist
Sally Cook (b. 1932), Imperial Affliction; acrylic on stretched canvas, hand-painted frame, 16 inches x 20 inches; Image courtesy of artist