
A cold day – High wind out of SW – blue bottomed ochre clouds before sunrise – dandelion greens –This chilly thunder that looms over the emerald wind-whipped turf – The bitterly cold wind whirls dust to obscure bases –At late dusk in woods the tops of mayflower leaves appear as white dots

A fine concert – the first piece, regardless of what it is, always thrills, because it is so good to see actual players and instruments again.

East to swampy woods this side of Bowen Rd. to work on “Shed in Swamp – or Hermitage” – A fine mild day with just enough coolness to give the air an invigorating elasticity – A.M. work on little pool.

All day on “Cherry Blossom Snow”  -  Painting on Cherry Tree. The results  at the end of the day were good. 

 I think that my original outlook on nature is slowly becoming dulled – the intimate tree-studies I used to do get out 1919 paintings of sulphur stream –

Reading in Walden’s “A Dog-puncher on the Yukon” I came across this sentence: “The country at that time was full of mastodon bones, which the Indians collected and sold to the white-men. The miners discovered a good many in the mines as well.” The idea thrills me; mastodon bones lying on a hillside to the north, spring flowers coming up, ice-masses still hanging on ledges, underneath which black caves seemingly extend into the center of the earth. A feeling of Prehistoric times pervading the landscape.

All day in studio working on “hollows” picture – Ice formed in puddles this morning, and all day from time to time, snow-flurries fell from a wintry sky before a strong west wind.

Cold raw NW morning [CD] sky – effect is dk zenith + lt horizon; Black evil over town weird effect with green dotted trees - patches of grass glow

A dream this morning – Catherine + I out in winds, finding some hepaticas, dark blue-violet ones, in their first rich cup-like formation.

Out to “The Big Woods” painting —

A fine day, sunny and fairly warm, but with a faint chill to the wind which came out of the S. W.