
Throughout her year as Burchfield artist-in-residence, Janelle Lynch will share her thoughts and impressions with us as we share her journey into the spirit and work of Charles Burchfield.

Throughout her year as Burchfield artist-in-residence, Janelle Lynch will share her thoughts and impressions with us as we share her journey into the spirit and work of Charles Burchfield.

There is art you can hang on the wall, and then there is art that is the wall. Such was the case with American painter Charles Burchfield (1893 – 1967) who took his visionary artistic skills to the wall.

Tom Holt, who curated the work of Jack Drummer for the 2007 biennial exhibition Beyond/In Western New York, remembers the man, the myth, the legend.

Throughout her year as Burchfield artist-in-residence, Janelle Lynch will share her thoughts and impressions with us as we share her journey into the spirit and work of Charles Burchfield.

The Burchfield Penney Art Center has been developing its design collection over the past few years.

St. Christopher Art Club participated in Art Alive 2013 at the Albright-Knox Art Gallery.

Throughout her year as Burchfield artist-in-residence, Janelle Lynch will share her thoughts and impressions with us as we share her journey into the spirit and work of Charles Burchfield.

Nancy Weekly presented at the Tenth Annual National Conference of the American Synesthesia Association, Inc. in Toronto, Ontario, Canada on June 1, 2013.

I arrived Friday night after work, around 4pm, to a gorgeous sunny afternoon meeting up with my best friend of 33 or so years, Julie from Pennsylvania. Annually we meet mid-way for a "girl's weekend" at a Bed and Breakfast.