
Thanksgiving day – Hank went with us, (and Peggy and Tommy) to the church service, which was at 10:00.

An artist should make all the physical acts of his everyday life conform to the laws of nature—

A cold damp lowery morning – intensely brilliant horizon sky; tops + edges of all things jet black + vibrating –

All day in Studio, redrawing my study for “Black Walnut” (which I also think of as “The Double Bed” on First Sight) – the material for which I got at Bertha’s old home (the “boys” bedroom) several years ago.

below the trees glowed orange yellow against the sky—

P.M. Walk – West green beyond Jennings ‒ Old Northwest Sunday afternoon mood – the tall dead tree; loose cloudy sky-high N.W. wind –

Let my studio be hallowed by large adventurous thoughts; and a feeling of security and isolation from the banalities of life; by dreams, and bold imaginings.

 Altho the stars shone all night (I woke up from time to time, + thought how the sky moved overhead, bringing new scenes of stars every hour) this morning the November Grey fills the air.

Evening music — Beethoven’s Ninth Symphony – Inevitable most music for me, seems to belong to the season when I first hear it – 

However it developed into an entirely [new] idea – namely a storm day in late autumn – the key to the idea being a black jagged stump surrounded by the blood red leaves of a swamp maple