
Shane Hallnan is an emerging museum professional. Read his thoughts on William Blake.

Read about the exhibition in Gusto.

Burchfield Penney Art Center has emerged as a must-see for art lovers. Read more in Business Week.

As I stated in my very first installment of the blog, I became fascinated with Charles Cary Rumsey when gazing at a photo of him. It was taken in 1921 by noted Buffalo photographer, Howard Beach. But WHERE did it come from?

Last weekend, staff from the Burchfield Penney went to Salem, Ohio to show our support during the Burchfield Homestead Society’s celebration of Dick Wooten, one of the most passionate enthusiasts of Charles Burchfield and a person who has been influential in the preservation of Burchfield’s childhood home.

John Singer Sargent developed a solid reputation as a watercolorist in the early 20th century after deciding to no longer accept portrait commissions.

Lalli's photorealistic painting style often fools the viewer. Many people do not realize his works are in a watercolor media.

The Business Leadership Forum will present a panel discussion about the future of the local craft beer industry on May 7 at the Burchfield Penney Art Center.

Last week, Esther Ekong, one of the Burchfield Penney Art Center's student employees, was awarded the Undergraduate Student Employee of the Year award and we couldn't be happier for her.

In Wayne Robert’s statements about his artwork, he speaks about his inspiration from Wassily Kandinsky’s work. Many pioneers of abstractionism have studied the parallel of music and art.