
A heavy snowstorm - “the worst in Buffalo’s history” 3 ½ to 4 feet fell here - it clung to trees & houses - the most fantastic & beautiful effects imaginable.

Mon. Evening – C & I for walk about the village observing the various sights –

A cold sunny day – there is a wind in Wade Park...

Take Pal out to end of lot. A beautiful mysterious night—the moon full, hazy, with a weather ring, high overhead...

own here to get home  I had to crawl under innumerable strings of freight cars – a proceeding which in spite of their quietness and the remote probability of their moving, filled me with a vague apprehension – 

At work all day on painting – At dusk walk up towards the dam.  The sullen gloom of night in the east – the dam hardly visible as a pale blueish streak – towards the ominous yellow sky

A dream:

I had been invited to an unusual party. The guest had been picked from all walks of life, all professions (legitimate or otherwise, for there was a notorious gangster present)...

Two letters from F.R. one containing a check, the other a letter about the forthcoming exhibition of my recent work (Jan.7 -). 

Colder in the night – I see now that the Christmas tree man took advantage of the poor light – it is not a blue spruce as he told me.

The sound of coal going down a chute took me outdoors – it turned out to be going into our cellar. My delight is so great that paying the $30 for it (two tons) seems almost a pleasure.

Late P.M. All of us to meet Sally & Red. We talk until 2:00 A.M.

A vivid red sunrise – cold, a heavy frost, temperature near 20 °...

(Star doodle) at midnight – outdoors. The sky is immense...