
Bruce Adams reviews Suspended Motion in April's Buffalo Spree.

Throughout her year as Burchfield artist-in-residence, Janelle Lynch will share her thoughts and impressions with us as we share her journey into the spirit and work of Charles Burchfield.

Throughout her year as Burchfield artist-in-residence, Janelle Lynch will share her thoughts and impressions with us as we share her journey into the spirit and work of Charles Burchfield.

Colin Dabkowski reflects on Buffalo's "flourishing cultural scene" in Sunday's Buffalo News.

DC Moore Gallery's exhibition, Duane Michals: the painted photograph, is closing tomorrow, April 27, 2013. What many people may not know is that the paths of both artists converged in a curious way.

Watercolor medium is strongly growing and being appreciated because artists are experimenting with traditional and contemporary expressions.

From Nicholas C. Turton's article in The Spectrum.

Known primarily as a groundbreaking avant-garde composer, John Cage (1912–1992) was also a prolific visual artist.

From Tyler Green's Modern Art Notes at Blouin Art Info on April 19, 2013