Glidden Pottery , Spherical Vase, #63, undated; ceramic with “Clover Pink” glaze, 5 1/4 inches high x 5 3/4-inch diameter; Gift of Scott Goldman and Nancy Brock, 2015
Glidden Pottery , Large Casserole with Cover, #163, undated; ceramic, glazed brown with “Turquoise Matrix” interior, 4 x 11 x 6 3/4 inches; lid 1 1/2 x 11 x 6 7/8 inches; Gift of Scott Goldman and Nancy Brock, 2015
Glidden Pottery , Casserole without lid, #463, undated; ceramic with “Sage and Sand” glaze, 5 x 12 1/4 x 8 3/4 inches; Gift of Scott Goldman and Nancy Brock, 2015
Ellen Markel (1963-2020), Escritoire Merbromin, 2015; mahogany, plexiglas, led lighting, 33 x 48 x 16 inches; Sylvia L. Rosen Endowment Purchase Award, 2015
P.F. Murray , Eventide, date unknown; hand-colored photograph, 4 7/16 x 6 1/4 inches (original frame: 10 ¾ x 8 ¾ inches); Gift of John Marfoglia, 2015
Harvey Breverman (1934-2024), Seated Figure in Profile, 1975; intaglio on paper, 13/50, Plate size: 6 7/8 x 9 ¼ inches, framed 14 ¼ x 18 3/16 x 3/4 inches; Gift of Paul McKenna, 2015
Harvey Breverman (1934-2024), Standing Figure in Profile, 1975; intaglio on paper, 8/50, Plate size: 8 x 9 5/8 inches, framed 14 ¼ x 18 3/16 x 3/4 inches; Gift of Paul McKenna, 2015
Harvey Breverman (1934-2024), Brooding Figure, 1968; 3-color intaglio, A/P, 23 ½ x 23 3/4 (circle with irregular right edge); Gift of Paul McKenna, 2015
Gloria Plevin , Black-Eyed Susans on Porch, undated; pastel on paper, 12 ½ x 9 ¾ inches; Gift of the Artist, 2015
Gloria Plevin , Amaryllis “Prelude”, December 26, 2007; watercolor on paper, 16 x 20 3/8 inches; Gift of the Artist, 2015