Joseph Orffeo (1926-2013), Untitled, 1986; watercolor on paper, 18 x 24 3/8 inches; Gift of the artist, 2013
Joseph Orffeo (1926-2013), Untitled, 1986; watercolor on paper, 24 3/8 inches x 18 inches
Joseph Orffeo (1926-2013), Untitled, 1986; watercolor on paper, 18 inches x 24 3/8 inches
Joseph Orffeo (1926-2013), Untitled, 1989; watercolor on paper, 12 1/4 inches x 16 inches
Joseph Orffeo (1926-2013), Untitled, 1993; watercolor on paper, 24 1/4 inches x 16 inches
Joseph Orffeo (1926-2013), Untitled, 1994; watercolor on paper, 23 1/2 inches x 17 1/2 inches
Joseph Orffeo (1926-2013), Untitled, 1994; watercolor on paper, 23 1/2 x 17 1/2 inches