William Henry Prestele (1838-1895), Cherries: a.- Bing, b.- Napoleon, 1887-1892; chromolithograph, 9 x 5 1/2 inches; Gift of Louise Simon Schoene
William Henry Prestele (1838-1895), Mercer Cherry, 1887-1892; chromolithograph, 9 x 5 1/2 inches; Gift of Louise Simon Schoene
William Henry Prestele (1838-1895), Sophie Plum, 1887-1892; chromolithograph, 9 x 5 1/2 inches; Gift of Louise Simon Schoene
William Henry Prestele (1838-1895), Primus, Hybrid Between Rubus Ursinus And R. Crataegifolius, 1887-1892; chromolithograph, 9 x 5 1/2 inches; Gift of Louise Simon Schoene
William Henry Prestele (1838-1895), Hannibal Raspberry, 1887-1892; chromolithograph, 9 x 5 1/2 inches; Gift of Louise Simon Schoene
William Henry Prestele (1838-1895), Royal Church Raspberry, 1887-1892; chromolithograph, 9 x 5 1/2 inches; Gift of Louise Simon Schoene
William Henry Prestele (1838-1895), Giant Loquat (Eriobotrya Japonica), 1887-1892; chromolithograph, 9 x 5 1/2 inches; Gift of Louise Simon Schoene
James J. Vullo (1914-1999), Rain in the Woods, 1989; ink wash on paper, 17 x 23 inches, sight; (framed, 22 ¼ x 28 ¼ inches); Gift of David and Kathy Fedak
Steve Miller (b. 1951), Sloth Pieta, 2012; Inkjet print on laminated glass, 47 x 36 inches; Gift of Johanne Miller
Felice Koenig (b. 1976), Abrasion, 2010; Acrylic paint on canvas, 36 ¼ x 36 ¼ inches; Purchase, 2012