David Pratt (1918-2010), Title unknown, 1996; watercolor and ink on textured watercolor paper, 10 x 11 7/8 inches; Gift of John and Carol Kociela, 2011
Temi Kucinski (b. 1950), Pinot Gems and English Channel Stoppers, 2011; glass rings from recycled Pinot Grigio bottles, antique glass bottle stoppers from the English Channel and forged and oxidized sterling silver, 18 inches in length, pendant drop 3 inches; Sylvia L. Rosen Endowment Purchase Award, 2011
Trevor Ritchie (b. 1979), Larva Vessel, 2011; ebonized cherry, 30 x 37 x 14 inches; Purchase Award, Art in Craft Media 2011 funded by the Sylvia L. Rosen Endowment, 2011
Wilhelmina Godfrey (1914-1994), Untitled (#22), c. 1970s; wool and cotton, 13 x 8 ½ x 1 ½ inches; Gift of George J. Heusinger, Jr., 2011
John M. Opera (b. 1975), Birds I, 2006; Chromogenic print, 50 x 60 inches; Gift of Phyllis Opera, 2011
John M. Opera (b. 1975), Caprice II, 2006; archival inkjet print, 52 x 42 inches; Gift of Phyllis Opera, 2011
John M. Opera (b. 1975), Soup, 2001-2002; 24 individual light boxes and clock: unique, chromogenic transparencies, light fixtures, flicker bulbs, electrical wire, wood, and Plexiglas, 8x6 inches each; Gift of Phyllis Opera, 2011
Catherine Tillou , Crystal Beach Wall, 2010; color photographic print on paper, 10 ¼ x 16 ½ inches, sight; Gift of the Artist, 2011
Jerome Witkin (b. 1939), Portrait Study of Charles Rand Penney, c. 1986-1991; Conté crayon with white gouache on paper, 60 ½ x 30 ½ inches, sight; Purchase, 2011
Monica Angle , Valley Series #2, 2011; oil on panel, 8 x 8 inches, sight, 11 5/16 x 11 5/16/inches, frame; Gift of John and Carol Kociela, 2011