Joseph Piccillo (1937-2022), Episodes III, 1983; graphite and collage on canvas, 72 x 84 inches; Gift of Barry Johnson in memory of his mother, 2010
Rita Argen Auerbach (b. 1933), Niagara Square, 1985; watercolor on paper, 27 x 43 3/4 inches (framed: 36 3/16 x 52 3/8 inches); Gift of Mr. and Mrs. Bradford C. Auerbach, 2010
Westley Olmsted (1934-2011), Joy, December 1996; Brazed metal parts [found objects include typewriter, staple gun parts], painted, 15 1/8 x 9 x 8 inches (mounted on5 x 10 inche painted wood base); Gift of Mr. and Mrs. Sherlock A. Herrick, Jr., 2010
Westley Olmsted (1934-2011), Portrait of Manfred von Richtofen, 1996; Brazed metal parts [found objects include typewriter parts, brass lamp base], painted, 17x 16 x 15 inches; Gift of Mr. and Mrs. Sherlock A. Herrick, Jr., 2010
Westley Olmsted (1934-2011), Skip, December 1996; Brazed metal parts [found objects include roller skate, rubber, gun barrel], paint, 18 x 11 x 11 inches and 4 x 5 x 8 inches; Gift of Mr. and Mrs. Sherlock A. Herrick, Jr., 2010
Tom Prestopnik , Gemini Two, 1971; Translucent silk screen ink on paper, 15 diameter, inches (image), (paper: 20 x 20 inches); Gift of the Artist, 2010
Arthur H. Lindberg (1895-1977), Untitled, c. 1935; graphite on newsprint, 9 x 12 3/8 inches (framed 15 3/16 x 18 3/16 inches); Gift of Bernard and Bettie Blum, 2010
Joseph Piccillo (1937-2022), Untitled [man with beard], 1982; lithograph on paper, 10 7/8 x 10 7/8 inches, (plate: 8 15/16 x 8 15/16 inches ), (framed: 20 x 19 inches); Gift of Bernard and Bettie Blum, 2010
Kevin B. O'Callahan (1902-1977), Coal Dumper, 1942; lithograph on paper, 9 x 7 3/8 inches, (framed: 14 7/8 x12 7/8) inches; Gift of Bernie and Bettie Blum, 2011
Julian Montague (b. 1973), nb 0527, Stray Shopping Cart Project, 2006; Lightent print on paper, 25 x 31 inches; Purchase, 2010