Carrianne Hendrickson (b. 1974), Gatherer, 2007; lowfire clay and glaze, 22 x 15 x 16 inches; Gift of the artist, 2008
Michael L. Horowitz (b. 1952), Untitled, from the series Colonel Ward Pumping Station, 2007; black and white digital print, 60 x 36 inches; Gift of Ilene and Peter Fleischmann, 2008
Meg Knowles (b. 1960), Walk, 2006; loop dvd, installation size variable; Gift of the artist, 2008
Alexander O. Levy (1881-1947), Title unknown [Portrait of a woman with the notation “To Florence”], c. 1924; conté crayon, colored pencil, watercolor and gouache on paper, 16 5/8 inches; Gift of James E. & Suzanne G. Hofmeister, 2008
Paul D. Martin (1935-2021), The Bath, 1964; 2-color lithograph on paper, 13 ¾ x 17 5/8 inches; Gift of Edward O. Smith, Jr.
Joseph A. Miller (b. 1968), Bathers, 1999; oil, 30 x 54 inches; Gift of the artist, 2008
Paul Nicholson (1977- ), Boat, 2007; acrylic on canvas, 48 x 47 1/2 inches; Gift of the artist, 2008
Alberto Rey (b. 1960), Aesthetics of Death VII, 2008; oils on plaster over canvas glued to a wooden panel, 72 x 120 inches; Gift of the artist, 2008
John E. (Jack) Drummer (1935-2013), Untitled, 2004-06; stretched rubber with tar and rubber stitching, 4 panels, 96 x 84 inches; Courtesy of the artist
Alexis Jean Fournier (1865-1948), Along the Greezey Creek: Brown County, Indiana, undated; oil on masonite, 24 x 30 inches; Bequest of Janet Brower in memory of her parents, Hazel and Hugh Willamson