Jackie Felix (1929-2009 ), If only You'll Love Me #4, c. 1998; monotype, 12 x 13 3/4 inches (Frame: 20 3/4 x 26 1/2 inches); Gift of Hodgson Russ LLP, 2000
Vreelandt B. Lyman (1912-1946), Caste Marks, c. 1945; gouache on cardboard, 14 x 10 1/8 inches; Gift of Helen Huguenor Lyman, 2000
Vreelandt B. Lyman (1912-1946), Indian Christ, c. 1945; gouache on paper mounted on cardboard, 10 7/8 x 9 inches; Gift of Helen Huguenor Lyman, 2000
Vreelandt B. Lyman (1912-1946), Kali, c. 1945; ink and gouache on paper mounted on cardboard, 11 ½ x 9 1/8 inches; Gift of Helen Huguenor Lyman, 2000
Vreelandt B. Lyman (1912-1946), Toys, c. 1945; gouache on cardboard, 14 1/16 x 10 1/8 inches; Gift of Helen Huguenor Lyman, 2000
Vreelandt B. Lyman (1912-1946), Toys, c. 1945; gouache on cardboard, 13 7/8 x 10 5/16 inches; Gift of Helen Huguenor Lyman, 2000
Vreelandt B. Lyman (1912-1946), Untitled, c. 1945; gouache on cardboard, 14 x 10 inches; Gift of Helen Huguenor Lyman, 2000
Steve Miller (b. 1951), Untitled, 1986; silkscreen print, 20 x 29 1/2 inches (Frame: 28 1/2 x 38 1/4 inches); Gift of Herbert F. Harvey, 2000
Frans Wildenhain (1905-1980), Untitled, c. 1960; ceramic, 13” x 8 ½” diameter, inches; Gift of Adele Cohen donated for the Sylvia Rosen Endowment for Fine Art in the Craft Medium, 2000
Frans Wildenhain (1905-1980), Untitled, c. 1960; ceramic, 9 ½ ” x 8 ½” diameter, inches; Gift of Adele Cohen donated for the Sylvia Rosen Endowment for Fine Art in the Craft Medium, 2000