George William Eggers (1883-1958), Corith, Columns, undated; pen and ink on paper, 13 x 9 cm; Gift of Bernard Karpel, 1975
George William Eggers (1883-1958), Facial Angles, undated; ink and pencil on paper, 22 x 14 cm; Gift of Bernard Karpel, 1975
George William Eggers (1883-1958), Basic Methods of Studying Drawing, undated; pen and ink on paper, 26 x 18 cm; Gift of Bernard Karpel, 1975
George William Eggers (1883-1958), Note on the Plates I and II, undated; pen, xeroxed, no size; Gift of Bernard Karpel, 1975
George William Eggers (1883-1958), Figure Construction and Improvisation for DCES, 1950; ink and red pencil on paper, 30 x 23 cm; Gift of Bernard Karpel, 1975
George William Eggers (1883-1958), Basic Action and Mass, undated; ink and red pencil on paper, 30 x 22 cm; Gift of Bernard Karpel, 1975
George William Eggers (1883-1958), The Figure, undated; ink, pencil and red pencil on paper, 30 x 23 cm; Gift of Bernard Karpel, 1975
George William Eggers (1883-1958), The Figure Construction and Improvisation for DCES, 1950; ink and red pencil on paper, 31 x 23 cm; Gift of Bernard Karpel, 1975
George William Eggers (1883-1958), Works on the Use of Teaching Aids, undated; pen and ink on paper, no size; Gift of Bernard Karpel, 1975
George William Eggers (1883-1958), Pedagogic Drawing, Draped Figures, 1920; pen and ink on paper, 20 x 13 cm; Gift of Bernard Karpel, 1975