Abuk Aleu, Acknowledging Yet Another (Response to Black Lives Matter, 2019), 2022; Just Buffalo Writing Center; Courtesy of the artist
Leandra Bell, Black Beauty (Response to Black Lives Matter, 2019), 2022; Just Buffalo Writing Center; Courtesy of the artist
Zelda Abramovich, Vacancy, (Response to Voodoo Woman, 2012), 2022; Just Buffalo Writing Center; Courtesy of the artist
danny merlino, naked to the world, (Response to Naked to the World, 1999), 2022; Just Buffalo Writing Center; Courtesy of the artist
Haya E., The Benefit of Boxes, (Response to Diamonds, 2010), 2022; Just Buffalo Writing Center; Courtesy of the artist
Leni Schlageter, I saw her face in everything (Response to Diamonds, 2010), 2022; Just Buffalo Writing Center; Courtesy of the artist
Theo Bellavia-Frank, Unto Stardust, After LeRoi Johnson's DNA I (Response to DNA I, 2013), 2022; Just Buffalo Writing Center; Courtesy of the artist
Alexander Cassetti, Photographic Sail, 2021; framed archival pigment print, 52 x 57 inches; Image courtesy of the artist
Alexander Cassetti, Taped Traces, 2021; framed archival pigment print, 17 x 25 inches; Image courtesy of the artist
Alexander Cassetti, The Shadows of My Hand, 2021; framed archival pigment print, 52 x 56 inches; Image courtesy of the artist