Julie Henson (b. 1983), Not Quite the End, 2020; hand sewn sequin screen and video projection; Courtesy of the artist
Kevin Kegler (b. 1958), Ladder Tired of Being a Ladder, 2020; wood, sand and rope; Courtesy of the artist
Charles E. Burchfield (1893-1967), Winter Light, Backyard, 1949-1960; Watercolor on board, 39 7/8 × 25 13/16 inches; Whitney Museum of American Art, Gift of Mr. and Mrs. Solomon K. Gross
Karima Bondi, Embroidery, 2020
Karima Bondi, Fiber, 2020
Carlos Llobet Montealegre, The “Old” New Normalseries, 2019; Relief print on canvas and fabric, spraypaint; Courtesy of the artist
Stitch Buffalo , Peace 2020, 2020; Felt, embroidery floss, beads, Velcro adhesive; Courtesy of Stitch Buffalo
Dana Saylor, All My Census, 2020; Acrylic paint, charcoal, ink and graphite mural; Courtesy of the US Census and Dana Saylor