Timothy Frerichs (b. 1965), 24-5, 2022; Artist book sculpture, handmade layered watermarked Kozo papers, relief print, found materials, 11 x 6 1/2 x 23 1/2 inches; Courtesy of the artist
Timothy Frerichs (b. 1965), Fissile - Shale, 2015; handmade black cotton/abaca paper with watermarks/blowouts, ink drawing, Flexi-rock, Coptic binding , 11 3/4 x 15 1/2 x 7/8 inches; Courtesy of the artist
Timothy Frerichs (b. 1965), Waterways (Shale), 2015; handmade black/gray kozo paper with watermarks, blowouts, archival digital print, Flexi-rock, Coptic binding, 10 x 14 1/2 x 5 inches; Courtesy of the artist
Timothy Frerichs (b. 1965), Anthropocene - Shale, 2014; layered digital prints (from Agricola’s De Re Metallica), on Handmade Thai Kozo paper, Flexi-rock, Coptic binding, 16 x 10 x 2 inches; Courtesy of the artist
Timothy Frerichs (b. 1965), Current(s)2 Thermohaline Circulation, , 2014; color woodcuts on handmade milkweed paper, archival digital print, Flexi-rock cover with 18 carat gold leaving, Coptic binding, 6 1/2 x 11 x 3/4 inches; Courtesy of the artist
Timothy Frerichs (b. 1965), Black Swamp 1, 2021; artist book, handmade recycled black cotton paper, found wood, cord, balloon ribbon thread, pig skin, digital prints, intaglio, 9 3/4 x 8 x 1 inches; Courtesy of the artist
Timothy Frerichs (b. 1965), HAB, 2021; artist book, handmade hemp cotton paper, found wood, cord, handmade milkweed paper, HAB - Cyanobacteria from Lake Chautauqua, linen pulp, Methyl cellulose, 8 1/2 x 11 x 1 inches; Courtesy of the artist
Timothy Frerichs (b. 1965), Bloom 1, 2019-20; artist book, handmade recycled hemp/cotton paper, Lake Erie algae, milkweed paper, found wood, cord, balloon thread, fishing line, beeswax, woodcut, 11 x 8 1/2 x 1 inches; Courtesy of the artist
Timothy Frerichs (b. 1965), 403.28, 2022; artist book sculpture, Rusted Lake Erie Shale, handmade layered watermarked Kozo papers, relief print, found materials , 9 x 6 1/2 x 1 inches; Courtesy of the artist
Timothy Frerichs (b. 1965), Bloom 2, 2021; artist book, variety of wood, beeswax, steel, ; Courtesy of the artist