Priscilla DeVantier Bowen (1940-2015), title unknown, Title unknown, c.1990; drawing on paper; Image reproduced with permission from Nicole and Chad Bowen
Priscilla DeVantier Bowen (1940-2015), title unknown,Title unknown, c.1990; drawing on paper; Image reproduced with permission from Nicole and Chad Bowen
Priscilla DeVantier Bowen (1940-2015), Celery Root, c.1990; drawing on paper; Image reproduced with permission from Nicole and Chad Bowen
Priscilla DeVantier Bowen (1940-2015), Remembering Tuscany Cedar Cone, c. 1990; drawing on handmade paper; Image reproduced with permission from Nicole and Chad Bowen
Priscilla DeVantier Bowen (1940-2015), Earth 01, c.1990; drawing on handmade paper; image courtesy of the collection of Gary Wolfe
Priscilla DeVantier Bowen (1940-2015), Hanging by a Silk Thread, c. 1990; drawing on paper; Image reproduced with permission from Nicole and Chad Bowen
Priscilla DeVantier Bowen (1940-2015), Tangle, c.1990; drawing on paper; Image reproduced with permission from Nicole and Chad Bowen
D. Olivier Delrieu-Schulze (b. 1977), Share the Loads, 2013; appropriated material (Untitled (Double Portrait), 1991, by FELIX GONZALEZ-TORRES), spray paint and duct tape, 30 x 42 inches; Courtesy of galeries NFS