Barbara Fox, Illuminated, 2010; watercolor on paper; 8"x30" Image courtesy of the artist.
Barbara Fox, Opportunities Abound, 2013; watercolor on paper; 19"x27" Image courtesy of the artist.
Barbara Fox, Practice Compassion, 2012; watercolor on paper; 14"x14" Image courtesy of the artist.
Barbara Fox, Unshy And Full of Grace, 2012; watercolor on paper; 27"x14" Image courtesy of the artist.
Julie McIndoo, Remembering San Miguel, 2011; watercolor; 28"x25.5" Image courtesy of the artist.
Julie McIndoo, Reading Hop on Pop, 2007; watercolor; Image courtesy of the artist.
Julie McIndoo, Soap & Cheese, 2011; watercolor; 20.75"x16.75" Image courtesy of the artist.
Julie McIndoo, The King'smen, 2011; watercolor; 26"x21" Image courtesy of the artist.
Julie McIndoo, Veterans of War, 2013; watercolor; Image courtesy of the artist.
Caitlin Cass, The Greeks , (detail) 2013; watercolor on paper; 4"x4" Image courtesy of the artist.