Bruce Shanks (1908-1980), Prognosis, 02/22/1963; ink on paper, 17 x 14 inches
Bruce Shanks (1908-1980), After this, Sonny Liston would be a Pushover, 02/23/1963; ink on paper, 17 x 14 inches
Bruce Shanks (1908-1980), While we're on the Subject of Floods---, 03/07/1963; ink on paper, 17 x 14 inches
Bruce Shanks (1908-1980), "But Think What It'll do for our Figures, Dearie", 03/08/1963; ink on paper, 17 x 14 inches
Bruce Shanks (1908-1980), Two-Word Editorial, 03/12/1963; ink on paper, 17 x 14 inches
Bruce Shanks (1908-1980), Just Over the Horizon (It Says Here), 03/14/1963; ink on paper, 17 x 14 inches
Bruce Shanks (1908-1980), Another One Ready to Blow Its Top, 03/15/1963; ink on paper, 17 x 14 inches
Bruce Shanks (1908-1980), "I Know What You're Thinking and it's Not Nice", 03/21/1963; ink on paper, 17 x 14 inches
Bruce Shanks (1908-1980), Another Argument Against "Going Steady", 04/17/1963; ink on paper, 17 x 14 inches
Bruce Shanks (1908-1980), New 'Pearson'ality, 04/23/1963; ink on paper, 17 x 14 inches