Taeyoul Ryu b. 1967, Royalty III, 2021; walnut, gold leaf; Image courtesy of the artist
Paul Brandwein, Good Vibrations, 2021; mixed media; Image courtesy of the artist
Paul R. Harp (b. 1954), Ascending, 2021; mixed media, paper mache; Image courtesy of the artist
Paul Brandwein , Precious Cargo, 2021; ceramic, mixed media; Image courtesy of the artist
Taeyoul Ryu b. 1967, Royalty I, 2020; mahogany, brass; Image courtesy of the artist
Juan Carlos Caballero-Perez, Seamstress 2, 2020; sterling silver, 18k gold, copper enamel, powder enamel resin on 3D print, moonstone, rutilated quartz, brown diamonds, lava rock, felt; Image courtesy of the artist
Juan Carlos Caballero-Perez , Seamstress, 2019; 18k gold, sterling silver, copper, pearls, diamonds, shells, ghost quartz, camel wool; Image courtesy of the artist
Bethany Krull (b.1981), Traversing Painted Flowers 1, 2020; found teacup, found snail shell, epoxy clay, paint, gloss gel medium; Image courtesy of the artist
Bethany Krull (b.1981), Traversing Painted Flowers 5, 2020; found teacup, found snail shell, epoxy clay, paint, gloss gel medium; Image courtesy of the artist
Bethany Krull (b.1981), A boy and His Snail, 2020; ceramic, found figurine, found snail shell, epoxy clay, paint, gloss gel medium; Image courtesy of the artist