Charles E. Burchfield (1893-1967), Trees and Houses, 1916; Watercolor and gouache over graphite on paper, 13-3/8 x 19-1/4 inches; San Diego Museum of Art, Gift of Dr. and Mrs. James E. Lasry, 1983
Charles E. Burchfield (1893-1967), The Glow of Christmas, 1952; watercolor on paper, 20 1/2 X 26 1/4 inches sight; Image from the Burchfield Penney Art Center Archives.
Ellen Steinfeld (b. 1945), Circus, 2011; Steel, patina and stainless, 88 x 36 x 13 inches; Couresty of the Artist
Ellen Steinfeld (b. 1945), Dancer 2, 2006; steel, pigment, 23 x 14 x 12 inches; Courtesy of the Artist
Ellen Steinfeld (b. 1945), Dancer 4, 2012; steel, pigment, 39 x 17 x 12 inches; Courtesy of the Artist
Ellen Steinfeld (b. 1945), Dancer 5, 2012; steel, painted bronze patina, 40 x 12 x 15 inches; Courtesy of the Artist
Ellen Steinfeld (b. 1945), Dancing Spirit, 2009; steel, 48 x 17 x 18 inches; Courtesy of the Artist
Ellen Steinfeld (b. 1945), Flux, 2012; Steel, pigment, 98 x 52 x 30 inches; Courtesy of the Artist
Ellen Steinfeld (b. 1945), Hope, 1998; Steel, pigment, 12 x7 x 7 inches; Courtesy of the Artist
Ellen Steinfeld (b. 1945), Little Bird, 2003; steel, pigment, 35 x 20 x 19 inches; Courtesy of the Artist