
Days of youth! Days of Hope! Days of energy and invigoration! Days of romance! Today’s cold snappy weather ushered them all in.

The "heavens open" and torrents of rain. During a lull in the P.M. B + I go to corner to take bus to Buffalo. After we had waited a half hour, and rain beginning we decided to return home.

Sometimes I can’t help but wonder what it would have been like to have known a father and a grandfather...In fact the fathers of most of the boys I played with made me feel I was lucky not to have one.

Autumn is the great romance season. Every event in nature or in human affairs, no matter how mean or small, is colored with romance until it becomes glorified.

A very pleasant relaxed interlude for us; we both enjoyed it thoroughly; listening to the late summer wind in the tree's foliage trying to determine why it had a "late summer" sound.

In early morning, I can detect no sense of Autumn. The heavy rains have rejuvenated everything. This may have been an early summer’s morning. It is not until later...that it seems like September.

The Autumnal Equinox takes note of dying plants which assumes grotesque shapes & attitudes...

Southeast of E. Aurora in quest of what I called—the Bearded Hill Country. On the railroad—the sweltering noon heat—comes up in waves from the railroad—cicadas—to the south a beautiful phenomenon—

 I watched a flock of birds in a ragged erratic flight over the railroad – They were like a flexible net of some kind, now expanding, and now contracting, and always changing shape

Aug. 21 – Saturday / Walk out to Willow-tree about 9:00 Tree-cricket chorus in full song – (First time this year I have heard them, although they must have been going before this) – It was thrilling to hear them again — as elemental and stirring as the first spring peepers in April.