
I perceived three bats circling up and down over the road. Their silent,floppy and sup­remely uncanny flight agrees well with night. No wonder supersti­tion has always associated them with witchery.

Thank God that I have lived long enough to get to know the playing of such a group as the “Virtuosi de Roma.”

A heavy blanket of clouds had come up which cast a cold November mood over the day. But as we proceeded northward, holes appeared in the cloud masses; a high wind was blowing, 

At late twilight flying squirrels, who spent the daylight hours in the attic of the house, would come out one by one...

I love the approach of winter, the retreat of winter, the change from snow to rain & vice-versa; the decay of vegetation; and the resurgence of plant-life in the spring—These to me are exciting and beautiful...

The long season of having visitors to the studio has made me terrifically bored and self-conscious— self-conscious is the worst. I feel as though I had been undressing in public.

The mine glowed blackly at the white sunlight

Yesterday morning while on my way to school in the rain, I marked that the color of autumn seems to have come all at once – walking under the trees I felt as if the color made sound –

As I walk along here I watch the huge masses of clouds that rolled along the hilltop and I thought of those old Hebrew poets + prophets who wrote the Old Testament.

Altho I always begrudge the time spent on frames, there were compensations in working outdoors in the most beautiful fall weather I have ever experienced.