
Temperature around freezing, not much wind, a misty gray sky – a feeling of brooding – rumbling seems to come from the earth in all directions – starlings, with their “mimicking” calls, imitate the sounds of spring birds.

A walk under the icy wind moon—I danced in the fields. I was thinking of music that was so wonderful [that] the hearers forgot where they were, or that it was music & when it was ended, they were still carried on & on into strange realms...

In studio—studying 1920 E. Liverpool Street scene, for which I had made a preliminary mount last year (37 x 54). [Its] solution seemed to come today it is good I did not get it mounted last year. 

“Warmer” in the night (about 26°)

Days of self-doubt, and indecision, for which there seems no good reason.


In studio most of the day, studying pictures. “The Night of the Equinox” “Song of the Telegraph” and “Return of the Blue Birds”—these all seem like splendid starts, and it seems to me that I must increase their fantasy character still more and reduce or even eliminate any realistic approach. They must be distilled into pure art forms.

The last three days working on the “Elevators” again.  Contrary to my expectation, I enjoyed it.

A.M.  To Buffalo (give Herbein a lift, who was going to Grant’s & then a movie) – Bought a beautiful white cyclamen for B – to replace the azalea.

PM. For a walk thru Penna R.R. yards, thence north on the N.Y. Central to French Rd & home by Union. A new boisterous day, scudding clouds & a stiff southwest wind, with fine hard snow at times.

It is unwise to destroy a picture thru a whim