This traveling was organized by the Burchfield Art Center and curated by Edna M. Lindemann, director emeritus. It premiered at the Munson-Williams-Proctor Arts Institute Museum of Art in Utica, New York before being presented at the Burchfield Art Center.
The exhibition demonstrated the relationships uniting American 20th-century artists, their New York City dealer Frank K. M. Rehn, and critical private and public collectors, especially collector/patron Edward Wales Root who was critical in developing the collection of the Munson-Williams-Proctor Arts Institute Museum of Art. Frank K. M. Rehn Galleries artists included Alexander Brook, Charles Burchfield, John Carroll, Edward Hopper, Morris Kantor, Peppino Mangravite, Reginald Marsh, Henry Mattson, George Picken, Henry Varnum Poor, Eugene Speicher, Bradley Walker Tomlin, and Franklin Watkins.