Charles E. Burchfield (1893-1967), Flower Pot in Window, 1919; Watercolor and pencil on paper, 21 7/8 x 18 inches; Burchfield Penney Art Center, Purchase with funds from Gary & Willow Brost, Peter & Ilene Fleischmann, John & Carol Kociela, Cindy A. & Francis Letro, Monica Angle & Sam Magavern, Shelley & Ken Drake, Timothy Hunt & Carolyn Morris-Hunt,, Rita Argen Auerbach, James & Joy Brandys, John & Carolyn Darby, Carol E. Heckman, Cynthia Baird Stark & David Stark, and anonymous, 2014
$42 members/$52 not-yet members
Summer Residence Artist/Instructor: Jennifer Koury
Windows are gateways to another world. Is your favorite view luminous and ethereal? Taking inspiration from Burchfield’s “Flower Pot in Window”, 1919, create two different worlds, inside and out. Inside might be calm and outside a torrential storm, or one based in reality and the other a dream world. Bring ideas, your imagination, and photos of what your window gateway looks like and the worlds you wish to express for the interior and exterior.
Supply List:
Drawings and/or clear photos of your window and ideas for your inside/outside views, sketch book, pencils, and eraser, several ¼ - ½ sheets of 100% cotton cold press watercolor paper, watercolors, brushes and palette, Art Masking Fluid and an inexpensive paint brush to apply the masking fluid or a "Fineline Masking Fluid Pen- Standard Tip", snack/lunch
To register contact Kathy Gaye Shiroki at 716-878-3549 or email or download the registration form on the BPAC website.