b. 1949
Born: Buffalo, N.Y., U.S.
Rosemary K. Lyons, a native of Buffalo, N.Y., is an artist and a longtime arts educator. Over the course of her artistic career she has created work in a variety of media, sometimes incorporating storytelling (both written and oral) and, on occasion, other forms of live performance in her contemporary twists on ancient manuscripts.
In a 2011 statement about her work, Lyons wrote: "Although I come from a large Irish Catholic family, it is only recently that I have felt my cultural affinity. The 'Manu Scriptus' series has kept me intellectually and artistically engaged for a long time. Much like my ancestors I find great peace and purpose in my own private scriptorium ... I use ancient bookmaking techniques to produce works that ask the viewer to question the status quo. I have used this platform as my own personal soapbox; using beauty to seduce people into thinking. All works are gouache, ink, and goldleaf on parchment paper." [1]
[1] Rosemary K. Lyons, artist statement for the solo exhibition "Phrase Phase" at the Olean {N.Y.] Public Library. Accessed at https://www.facebook.com/events/168035609925809/ on 7/2/2013.