Born: Canada
Fred Bacher was a writer, performer, media artist, musician, and teacher who was born in Canada and based for many years in Buffalo, N.Y. In the 1980s and early 1990s, he was responsible for more than 20 solo and group multimedia performances staged at Hallwalls Contemporary Arts Center and other venues in the U.S. and Canada. These works, often presented under the stage name “Fritz Bacher,” combined wordplay-rich writing, original music, political commentary, and film/video footage. In 2002 he released an album, Major Statement Man. Bacher’s talent was recognized with multiple grants and fellowships from such organizations as the NEA, NYSCA, NYFA, the Canada Council, and the Ontario Arts Council.
For examples of Fred Bacher’s poetry, visit his page at ThinkTwice Radio: http://thinktwiceradio.com/fred-bacher/fred-bacher.html.