Frank Glapa was born in Germany shortly after World War II. He moved to Buffalo in the 1950s. Here, he found himself inspired by The Albright Knox and the Delaware Park neighborhood. A full college scholarship sent him to the Columbus College of Art and Design before transferring to The School of the Art Institute of Chicago because of his focus on sculpture. Frank also pursued photography, printmaking, and was a teachers assistant in the etching department. In the 1960s Frank served in the military for two years. After permanently relocating to Chicago, Frank spent 20 years in the advertising industry, utilizing his photography and design skills. In 1996, Frank began working with metals after a neighbor needed a specific kind of mailbox for his magazines. Frank designed and welded a copper mailbox getting his inspiration partly from the Roycrofters Guild of East Aurora, NY. Frank also works with hammered brass, nickel silver, silver, and wood.