FLATSITTER is comprised of two members, Kyle Marler and Jax Deluca. The audiovisual works of Flatsitter combine old and new technologies to create electronic meditations that reimagine everyday experiences through color, light, and sound. Their works exist in an arrayof formats, such as ephemeral web collections, expanded cinema, performance, sitespecific installation, and live virtual reality experiences utilizing the Oculus Rift headset. They have exhibited and performed at the Everson Museum of Art (Syracuse, NY); Hallwalls Contemporary Art Center (Buffalo, NY); Burchfield Penney Art Center (Buffalo, NY); and Grave:point Studios at Silent Barn (New York, NY). They have received a New York StateCouncil on the Arts Finishing Funds award distributed by The ARTS Council of the Southern Finger Lakes and held residencies at the Institute for Electronic Arts (Alfred University, NY) and Signal Culture (Owego, NY).
For more information on Flatsitter, visit http://flatsitter.com/.