Carl Lee is an award-winning media artist based in Buffalo, N.Y., who works in non-fiction, experimental, and documentary film and video, both single channel and multi-channel installations. His work has been programmed nationally and internationally. His wide-ranging subject matter includes the urban landscape, community organizations, and the play of light. “There’s magic in the mundane and I’m trying to capture some of it in moving pictures,” he has observed. [1]
Lee received a BA from Harvard University in Visual and Environmental Studies in 1992 and an MFA in Film and Media Arts from Temple University in Philadelphia in 2000. He teaches film and video production and works as the technical director in the Department of Media Study at the University at Buffalo.
Lee is a member of Termite TV, an activist media collective based in Philadelphia and Buffalo. He is married to media artist Dorothea Braemer, with whom he sometimes collaborates.
More information can be found here at the artist's website.
[1] Carl Lee, Undated artist statement. (Accessed 7/17/2014)