watercolor on paper
18 x 26 inches
Bernadine K. Sherman Bequest, Fitchburg Art Museum, Fitchburg, MA.
“Lime Lake, Machias, New York”
“Wednesday & Thursday I was sketching in the country below Machias. The weather so unusual this fall, had on these two days reached such an incredible perfection that everything seemed like a magical dream. [According to the weather bureau, no such Fall as this has occurred since records have been kept]. On Wednesday, before I found my subject, I ate lunch by the roadside, sitting on a grassy bank facing the sun. The intense heat of the sun produced in [me] a languor that was delightful. In the grass nearby grasshoppers “clickered” and crickets chirped —or kreeked.” — Charles E. Burchfield, Journals, November 9-10, 1938