c. 1974-1976
marker on paper
8 1/2 x 6 inches
Gift of Christopher and Cheri Sharits, 2006
To amplify the existence of, (relatively) to point to then hidden signifier, which thus far cannot do more than suggest its existence and, in interface, begin to suggest something of the shutter principle of cinema, we have used one 1000 cps “sync tones beyo to additionally synchronize with each bk frame. (an interesting side note concerning (incidental note: sound units are perceived more clearly-distinctly than there visual-temporal equivalents-the colors tend to blur into each other, due to rational interim –basis of cinematic ill. Of contain (from photo frame to photo frames) and is the basis of the filmic “flicker affect”) interesting because this is a radical difference but calls for a separate inquiry):
Now we have} becomes clean in observation that the sound separates the light flashes and helps to “see” the indiv. Black frames…