c. 1974-1976
marker on paper
8 1/2 x 6 inches
Gift of Christopher and Cheri Sharits, 2006
…blades individually; the image we perceive is of a circular bl shape, from which we learn nothing something but we cannot directly use this knowledge to signify the shutter’s function. To use a disc shape to represent the shutter’s function would be to obviously be unsatisfactory. We could take a series of photos at diff. still camera shutter speeds, speeds light faster than the film shutter’s notation-we would “stop the action”, and possibly see blurs. If we put our series of photos in a particular order that series could represent the shutter’s movement: that it spins and one aspect of it spins as fast that its blades become appear to blur together-
We are close now to reinventing the cinema. We are attempting to merely signify.