Written note on paper
11 x 8 1/2 inches
Gift of Christopher and Cheri Sharits, 2006
Athens 3
PLACE to do my Jefferson piece (studying Beethoven and Mahler more and more intensely—working up—must make necklace of Monet’s spirit to wear before beginning—and concentrate it in Delos to visit Apollo’s first temple—do an I Ching—get into this “cradle of democracy” and strange Dionysian energy fields—tonite we visit the movie actress, what’s her name, from, of all things, Zorba the Greek (admit: she made other, less corny movies). It’s nice that all Nassa’s friends are respected artists of one sort or another—mothering is more boring than boring company…rather be alone and experience the bliss of my mind just functioning, moving thru the self-induced-alcoholic-brain-damaged networks which delight “me” so terribly much—Being with Niko (a very attractive and charming young man [well, 32], in Amsterdam, was a joy. He said to me: “I wish you wouldn’t go…you make me feel happy.”—How sweet—very sweet man, although his wife, as great as she is, is a bit tougher, (to say the least!) reminding me of “my” Frances—to bossy, wanting peace and order, et al.
I am in the most “chic” area of Athens, it appears at the very homey but intelligently decorated apartment of Ms. Rouli Tatakh and her husband (a scholar I suppose—they’re away)—Rouli’s father has published a bunch of philosophical texts but all in Greek so no way of understanding them. Must read H. James and rest.