Written note on paper
11 x 8 1/2 inches
Gift of Christopher and Cheri Sharits, 2006
AFTERNOON: I’m being guided by a larger system. Lily is the medium but there are many dharma here: Helen, who could become, if any woman could, a saint like Lily; Leonard Cohen; by odd “circumstance,” Peter Dunbar, who co-published Monet at Giverny is here; Anthony; Austin etc etc… But, only by acts of true devotion can any one of us enlarge to Buddhahood. By concentrating on this D.M.- I am denying myself “normal pleasures-‘nights’”—okay, last nite I must remember: the angry Orlando comes up to Panos, where we are dining with some great Italian gentlemen (architects et al), and starts yelling at me. Then we have a “dual” him hitting his foreheads against mine—very refined combat; yet, still hurt a lot. Then, I invite for drinks…but he is far from any sort of enlightenment. He goes off with his “chic” girlfriend and friends, in his motor boat. Bugs me. I throw a chain into the sea and break a table. Rescue the chain fully clothed—ah, DIVINITY!