Written note on paper
7 1/4 x 5 inches
Gift of Christopher and Cheri Sharits, 2006
Some dreams while at work on Dec Mode.
Oct 6 -Argue with Dad (right wire)
-Priral on film AX. GRN. By Jerry (was supportive during day)
Oct 10- Tension between artists/ filmmakers (TV interview)—on way to party and give an old lens—with Larry Zohm (??)—concern with style of dress earlier: style of dress. } “fashion” Levis
(hers) Morris Etc.
Auto wreck (death of a man)—other airing areas (seeing dry fall during day?)
Oct 12- My film piece Shutter Interface (talked with Brian about my work till 4 am)
Oct 13- Me taking (borrowing) things (pipes? Metal objects) from one large door (mother’s?) and putting them on my “homes” (?) door—at ½ done point, “finish” temporarily by tossing clothing onto door, including panties (feeling very daring and smug)—the stuff stayed up, defying gravity.