c. 1971-1975
marker on paper
11 x 8 1/2 inches
Gift of Christopher and Cheri Sharits, 2006
-2- desert sah Is. Duncan ---> great Mexican desert “studies
These years 1969-1978 strongest concern with the film strip ribbon (to me a sort of metaphor of a river, a meta-river).
However, in ^bicentinneal project dec. mode ^began in 1976, altho
apparently pure ^blank color Fire>1971
“abst”, actually a sort of narrative clouds >
Water/rocks>Artpk 1975
with ^many passages
concerning external envia, from Lillian Mak’s
wild cacti-veg-flower garden on mntside over/king sea in Hydra, Greece to a approx section based on a rocky mnt peak panorama viewed from my temporary quarters on mtnside above
New nomadic In progress pure color in real life nomadic narratic, notations for 30-40 hours endless PASSAGES ^ innumerable passages for instance, a
Long appro 30 min hymn to Isadora D.
Based on dune struct and wind blown sand veils
While roaming around Tiresias ^
Sahara 3 days on camel with young
Guid amor oct 1979—soon visit the Great
Mexican Desert ^
1 ½ hours formally scored and to be soon
realized on new eruption interface
pure color generating camera device
w. vasulka interfaced with computer which will
digitally transform my score into 16 mm film