c. 1971-1975
colored marker and ink on paper
11 x 8 1/2 inches
Gift of Christopher and Cheri Sharits, 2006
1. 1971-75
Summer 1966 Indians
Fall-sp 6-7
Sum 67 Denver?
Fall 67 baltim
Sum 68 aspen
Fire/clouds juxta
In time
Snakelike sun glares on winter Tirrehenn Sea on Amalfi coast
(this, I speech I is shot + in adding rephoto stage)
Now—fall 1980—that 1 am embarking on
-earth configs. Swami desert –diamond inst, L.A.
-Swamps Florida –volcano eruption Stromboli
-dune structs Sahara
Films from/of nature it
Seems approx. to issue these studies.
Known for highly perceptual “abs”, + wks in which film itself
And/or its mechanism/processes are visually-aurally-cognitively explored;
Occasionally, partic earthly wks, an interior landscape is expressed
(razor blades, T,C, G, E, S, COMP) but, aside from SSSSSS, I’ve issued no exterior landscapes. Nevertheless, I have attempted nature films, but always dissatisfied and waited to reshoot. As early as the mid-late 50’s 1 shot 8mm film sketches grass, trees, rain, etc: shot from the mid all destroyed. Then inward but, whole while
Living in aspen, sum. 1968,7?? prolonged immersion in the Rockies, the love salvation of my childhood in cole (when family left D and began ascent into into the mntns, I literally…