colored marker on paper
7 3/4x 5 inches
Gift of Christopher and Cheri Sharits, 2006
sound * image
"This is comparable to + long supported error that a sound may possess a certain affinity with a meaning: for instance, the "liquid" semi-vowels with water, the open vowels with things that are big,large, loud or heavy, etc. , a kind of theory which still has it supporters, Whatever emendations the original formulation may now call for, everybody will agree that the Saussurean principle of the arbritrary character of the linguistic sings was a prerequisite to the acceding of linguistics to the scientific level."
84 Lerri Strauss "Structural Study of Myth" (MYTH, ed Sebeok)
Sign-Image (see fenollosa)
To "corny" extravagance/or/exotropic music sense: immediate descriptionof environment--with extension loops of non-consequential words ("the" x 20/ (each pronunciation becoming more fluid/torrid); "floor"/"has" x 5/ "a" x 30/ "grain" x 2/ "pattern"/ "that"x 15/ "is" x 15/ "non" 2/ "ordered" x 2/ "that" x 1/ "is" x 15/ "to" 30/ "say", x 1/ etc