February 9th, 1971
11 x 8 1/2 inches
Gift of Christopher and Cheri Sharits, 2006
SSSSSS: my mind moves to the rockies + i weep: 2/9/71
* for my sun/light, christopher: to filter our
currents of tears thru grids of vibrating Joy
* my vortex: The One whose love i do not suspect,
my one sure contact with life; the flow of our
years will interweave; i am here for you, in this
life, as long as we live, always...my bursting
peacefulness! my baby byron! my first work from
joy ( you were there, dancing in the mountain wildflowers
at one with "your" representation, "your" "sun") and thru
joy ( streams of tears of joy, your drawings, collages
[beaming with total innocence, a wholly unmenacing
happiness] and your photographic smile expanding thru +
activating this room in ohio, this heart with you in
denver)---you are joy---happiness superposed with
anguish ( to be away from you, to see you grow older, to feel myself
growing older...memories, memories, memories)--
*[ homage to the stability of my rocky mountains
homage to the charming fluidity of elegant changing
homage to all young children who, even in their
endless movement, remain most loyal, most stable
homage to the cycles between dualities, the cyclic paradigms of ordered opposites]
* christopher, i love you/ but, nature-reality is not
often the way we want it to be and we must learn to
be happy even when we cannot have what we imagine
will give us happiness/ then, when we understand
nature, we can be at least a little happier than we
were when "Everything" was a scary mystery/we will
be with eachother again + again, having fun, in our lives.