ink on paper
11 x 8 1/2 inches
Gift of Christopher and Cheri Sharits, 2006
progressively more
1 film's currents scratched into the emulsion--these section off
the wet illusion patterns in the film's emulsions
until the 6th permutation is all section, a
section of the wall (3:4 screen area) is defined by
projector light.
sitting each morning for an hour by the creek
gradually realized that just as a "wave" of water
retains its overall shape* is in constant wavering
changes ( it is interesting that this relatiave constancy (wave)
is a product of never-repeating (water) content) so in the
sound of a stream a fluid series of attention
lap dissolves: attention moves from one set of
a multitude of of constantly present sounds to another set, zooming
in on (?), zoomingn back to the total
"sound of a creek", to chords of this + that
a soundtrack: ---or---
word cluster 1 one wordwall laps into
(A-B-C) another physically,
wc 2 + back again
wc 3 1----A
(C-D-E) B
wc 4 C-----2
(D-E-F) 3------D
wc 5 E-----4
(E-F-G) 5------F
wc 6 G-----6
(F-G-H) H