April 25 - May 1, 1949
ink on unlined paper
9 1/2 x 11 1/2 inches
Burchfield Penney Art Center courtesy of the Charles E. Burchfield Foundation, 2000
Too much to eat & drink—too much talking. Parker took a sudden fit of playing the piano, jazz very loud & nervewracking [sic]. It was bedlam.Apr. 26–(Tues.)Difficulty again sleeping—Tired, nervous. The drive home nervewracking [sic] as it was very windy. Home about 12:30Apr. 27 (Wed.)A dream—Near Salem, east of it (tho nothing like it actually) a vast open field—Bertha & Jimmy Hilgendorf at the other end. I could hear red—birds singing—High in the sky the moon “3/4” full—with a glow around it. As if floating in front of it were various images, a bottle on a table, & glasses, and I thought someone had devised a way of thinking such images in the moon as advertising. Crossing the field I entered an empty house; sitting in a window. Somehow a red—bird got into the house and it tried to go out the window. I was able to capture it. At first it was frightened, then it seemed to like my petting it, and arched its head against my hand gratefully. Apr. 28—30 Nervous & irritable—little accomplished—some mounting in studio. The weather turns suddenly warm. May 1—Beautiful warm day—everything coming out in a rush.