November 2, 1947 - November 3, 1947
blue ink on unlined paper
9 1/2 x 11 3/4 inches
Burchfield Penney Art Center courtesy of the Charles E. Burchfield Foundation, 2000
Nov. 2—(Sun.); All of us (except Mart & Hank, who went to the Ebenezer Church on Reserve Rd). to church. Reparation Sunday. A substitute minister who (Rev. Neeb’s father died Friday, & he was in Detroit for the funeral). He was a small wiry man, obviously in the late 70’s or early 80’s, I rather liked him, his eyes were so bright & full of a sort of mischievous twinkle. It was good to sing again “A Mighty Fortress is our God”; We had Mart & Hank to dinner.; The afternoon spent in talking. (Hank had to go to a political meeting which lasted until late afternoon).; Evening—another visit to studio & then the evening spent in talking (we had, persuaded Louise to stay over until Monday P.M., so we could make a trip into the country).; ; ; ; ; ; Nov. 3—(Mon.).; Coming home from the post-office—a young woman hanging baby clothes on a line, on the roof of Clymie’s grocery, In the sun & wind, the whole scene seemed of such a worthwhile beauty and value that it came over me what a good thing it was to be alive, and living in just such a small village as this. It would be impossible to think of a better place to be.; We soon had our lunch packed, and were on our way (we persuaded Mart to go along,--she felt nauseated, but we assumed it was from the smell of print from their apt. which is being decorated). A fine day, with long bars of clouds in the southern sky.; Thru Overland Park, & up the Cole Road & then on the Lower East Hill Road, for the view into the Colden Valley. Thru Colden and part way up the steep hill to the east, where I painted the New Fallen Leaves in 1938. Here we parked. The woods & countryside here were almost [too] beautiful to endure. After a short stroll