June 16, 1947 - June 17, 1947
blue ink on unlined paper
9 1/2 x 11 3/4 inches
Burchfield Penney Art Center courtesy of the Charles E. Burchfield Foundation, 2000
The reception a disappointment. Few of the faculty came, notably O.P. Kretzmann the president whom I wanted to meet.; At Ten to Communion Service at church. (Communion confined to graduating class. A very nice service and the address by Rev. A. simple & direct & not too long.June 15—B & I early to get Eve—she not ready so we explored around the campus a bit.; To Baccalaureate Service—; Dinner at “The Hole” Altruria Hall.—; Commencement at the new gymnasium on the hill. An impressive dignified affair.; Evening at a restaurant just outside the city.; Eve to a wedding of one of her sorority mates, while B & I wandered about town. Almost too cold. To Hotel early & to bed, as we planned to get up [at] 4:00.; June 16—(Monday). Start at 5:30. “Pete” a young Greek student goes with us (relatives in Buffalo). A serious, but pleasant young man.; The trip back not so tiring; altho I drove faster. Relieved at times by Eve. Lunch at Norwalk; dinner at Dunkirk. A bright sunny but cool day. Trip almost uneventful except for flat tire just west of Dunkirk. Home by 9:30 (D.L.S. time). Mart & Hank down—Art & Cat home. Hank drives “Pete” to his aunt’s in Buffalo.June 17 (Tues.); Up fairly early. B & I to Dr. Jim. He says my sore on my side is an infected cyst, which relieves our minds, as we had rather decided something worse. He cannot open it yet for about 10 days.