October 16, 1942 - December 4, 1942
cardboard notebook bound with string
8 1/2 x 11 inches
Gift of the Charles E. Burchfield Foundation, 2000
119. were his house-guests - Henry Poor had a show opening at the gallery; Alex James + his wife from Vermont, and John Wyeth, all descended on him in one week. The result was a round of dinners + theatre parties, which were gay and interesting in themselves, but almost completely impersonal, as such things are apt to be. The one moment we had alone Tuesday lunch of the second week - found us both completely exhausted -
On Monday night a dinner at Larre's - the Poors, the James, the Watkins, a refugee american expatriate artist from Paris, whose name I cannot recall, and his wife. I remember little of this affair except that I was terribly tired, and that Bessie Poor created a minor sensation by unearthing the painter of "Nude Descending a stair-case" Duchamp.
The next night a dinner party by Frank at Theodore's (?) (CD) of the Watkins, Speichers, James, Mangrante's, John Anderson + Margaret Brewning - (It was "meatless" Tuesday, so we had to struggle along on a roast Guinea Hen, very delicious!)
Wednesday nigh I was alone. It was a fairly clear night, but cold, - I thought I would take a ride on top of a fifth Ave. Bus, but after waiting for a considerable time, I gave it up.
Thursday I was alone again, and as the weather (CD) much milder, I had no difficulty in carrying out my project of the night