April 14, 1936 - July 2, 1938
Handmade volume with cardboard covers, unlined paper
9 1/2 x 11 1/4 inches
thinking of? As I walked out thru the back-yard after supper, and saw the clear sunset sky flecked with golden yellow clouds, and saw the “look” of the sunlit side of the shed, I realized that for me the only divine reality is the unspeakable beauty of the world as it is.
The last few weeks of taking treatments from Dr. Canderi, of work on the coop, and the seemingly endless work on frames are like a nightmare to me. How I long for peace, and leisure, and freedom from worry, and for the delight of a creative period.
August 2, 1936-
The last day of a short stay at the “Coy House” in Ohio. A.M. B & I & Catherine & Arthur in the car along the Bottom Road south of Albany. This little valley never changes, it is always remote and lovely and always seems to contain the memories of my youthful dreams and ideals. To come back is, in a sense, like dragging open an old wound.
Coming back, I suddenly felt the desire to walk up over the hill towards Post woods, the route I always took to reach the “Bottoms” in the old days. We made arrangements for B to come back in an hour to pick me up, and they went on.
I walked up over the hill and found myself in a clump of blackberry bushes, the surge of heat that came up from the ground, seemed good to me; a feeling came thru every part of my body that I nearly recovered, that my blood was running hotly, and a new strength from deep within me.