November 29, 1930 continued - August 7, 1933
commercially made, unlined white paper
13 1/2 x 12 1/8 inches
cold swift running water – cross railroad and thru old abandoned wagon trail to group of little bearded hills – lying in the sunlight and dazzling ochre white against the blue sky –
A large bush of lilacs here, only reminder of what must have been once human habitation –
Eat lunch under tree overlooking the bearded hills to the north, and a wide valley to the west – then down again to make drawings and color note of hills - In the midst of this I feel impelled to embrace the earth, prostrate myself on the face of the main hill, the hot sun pouring down on my back, my face to the warm earth, which gave forth a hot pungent odor. I seemed to float in a sea of heat vibrations the songs of countless insects filling my ears – the earth a shaggy white haired giant, dozing in the luxuriant heat of summer – a great happiness surged thru me-
South along railroad – the afternoon growing old. Heat comes from the west, but from the east, out of the vast sky beyond the hills, comes a cool moist breeze – it stirred some remote memory in me that I could not quite place – perhaps an inheritance from some tribal ancestor who understood weather and could smell rain in fair skies.
A black negro standing up on the hillside, half concealed by a bush. He is motionless and had perhaps seen me.
LimeLake, with cottages and bathers in the pitiless sunlight- as I walk along her, a strange contentment falls upon me. I can think of nothing else in the world I would rather do than be walking along a railroad thus, in the hot sunlight grassy hills on my left, the banal sights and sounds of a small inland summer resort on my right – swinging along with a firm unfatigued stride –
Black and white cattle motionless on the white-haired hill top which is spotted with cow-cropped haws of fantastic hourglass shapes-
Machias Station – situated where two railroads cross at right angles- so it is at a cross-roads, but the roads are railroads- this adds a faintly romantic air to the place- Failrly large hills here partially covered with white grass and woods –